Please check Volkswagen TRANSPORTER car parts catalog for additional information if you're looking for parts to repair your vehicle. You can search Volkswagen TRANSPORTER parts by VIN number.It is possible to get market price of new or used Volkswagen TRANSPORTER by VIN number.


In our technical library we collected assembly specifications for almost every modern VW, Seat, Skoda or Audi car, engines and transmissions technical specifications, production codes (PR codes) descriptions, color codes explanations and service parts catalog. Feel free to use these data to save some money in your family budget.

0002 Gearbox control unit. 00003. 0003 Control block. 00004. 0004 The control unit for engine operation on gas - J 659. 00016.

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Click BUY button for purchase and You will get login to diagnostic procedures database imediatelly. In our technical library we collected assembly specifications for almost every modern VW, Seat, Skoda or Audi car, engines and transmissions technical specifications, production codes (PR codes) descriptions, color codes explanations and service parts catalog. Feel free to use these data to save some money in your family budget. PIN CODE Due to the difficulty in obtaining the pin codes from VW and AUDI dealers, software has been developed to assist extracting the pin code from the vehicle.

Last actualization: 31.01.2021 | there are 1669 procedures in the database.

2010-12-21 · Keys must be coded using the new 7-digit SKC (secret key code) method unless the owner still has the correct 4-digit code. VW stopped giving out PIN/SKC information at all in 2005. Important Note : Unless you ALREADY have the SKC information for your vehicle and components then you will NOT be able to do any of the Immobilizer functions.

2005: The first aftermarket "VAG" tool to include generic OBD-II capabilitiesat no extra charge and to decypher the new 'Long Codings'used in the latest models. 2018-01-26 · VW utilizes their own proprietary DTC codes (VAG DTC) and only supports a sub-set of the generic OBDII P-codes - The supported P-Codes are required for emission regulation. Generic code reader's might substitute codes, so if no VAG DTC value is supplied for a specific P-code, this will indicate a generic OBDII code selected by the generic reader.

Vw transporter vag com codes

An example of data collected with VAG-COM and plotted with Excel. Andy Smith logged measuring block 005 data in his 2000 VW GTI 1.8T during a 1/4 mile drag racing at New England Dragway. If you try this at home, make sure your laptop is snugly belted into the passenger seat :-)

Vw transporter vag com codes

Volkswagen. Transporter Kombi. 2019-06-18 Our VAG COM cable is a high quality interface that works with the VCDS software for VW, Audi, Seat and Skoda vehicles from 1995 – 2005 (Newer models see here).The software will allow you to find & clear faults, view vehicle data and become a full diagnostic tool if you have the correct level .

Enligt killen fanns det en TPI på dessa koder från VAG, så han uppdaterade mjukvaran i bilen. VAG Error Code: 18528. EOBD II Error Code: P2096 En VW går aldrig sönder, den upphör bara tillfälligt att fungera  Köp boken Vw Transporter and Microbus Specifications Guide 1950-1967 av David Transporter history * Explanation of every vehicle code * Transporter  VAG 2.5TDI 5cyl. VW:Passat (96-04) with codes: ACK, AGA, AGB, AJG, ALF,. ALG, ALW, AML, AMM, Passar VW Polo, Golf, Passat,T4 och Audi Arbassar. Ett urval av bilar som produkten passar till: Vw - T5 transporter, Multivan, Transporter. Visa alla passande fordon.
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For this reason, these colour chips should be used as a guide only.

For location of the data link connector, see Maintenance section.
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Volkswagen TRANSPORTER VIN decoder. Every Volkswagen car has a unique identifier code called a VIN. This number contains vital information about the car, such as its manufacturer, year of production, the plant it was produced in, type of engine, model and more. For instance, if someone wants to buy a car, it is possible to check the VIN number one provides you the full list of VAG vehicles option codes. VAG cars are: Volkswagen, Audi, Škoda, Seat (and others). And the VAS 5051 scanner error codes in deutch and русский languages.

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PIN CODE Due to the difficulty in obtaining the pin codes from VW and AUDI dealers, software has been developed to assist extracting the pin code from the vehicle. If you have purchased this software for your tester, then you have several methods of trying to extract the pin code. Pin code reading is a complex area and constantly being developed.

Select "Select" and enter the module selection section. The gearbox code is usually stamped on the gearbox. For a car parts supplier, a gearbox code is important in order to find the right car part for you. In our database, you can search for gearbox codes which were specified with past requests. There may be a match that will help you find the gearbox code of your vehicle. Found gearbox code? VAG-PROG 2012 Vag-Prog is universal tool for modification of ECU configuration data on VW group vehicles.